Learn to Kitesurf

Kitesurf lessons in Tarifa

Harness the Wind: Expert-Led Kitesurfing in Tarifa


Step into the exciting world of kitesurfing with our lessons, ideal for everyone from complete beginners to seasoned surfers. Our instructors, armed with over 20 years of experience, use innovative teaching methods that make learning both easier and quicker. By starting with equipment suited to your skill level, we ensure a safe and effective kitesurfing learning experience.

Our approach is all about personalization. We tailor each lesson to match your individual skill level and learning pace, whether you're just discovering kitesurfing or aiming to refine your techniques To cater to your unique needs and time constraints, we offer a variety of course lengths. Choose from a single-day introduction, a three-day course for a deeper learn, or a full week of intensive training to truly hone your skills.

And for a complete experience, we provide accommodation options in our Surf House. Here, you can relax, share stories with fellow enthusiasts, and immerse yourself in the vibrant surf culture of Tarifa.

Join us in Tarifa, where safety, fun, and tailored instruction combine to offer you an unforgettable kitesurfing experience. Let's ride the waves together!

Beginner Kitesurf Lessons

Begin your kitesurfing adventure with our beginner-friendly taster course at Dragon Kitesurf School. No previous experience? No problem! Discover the essentials of kitesurfing, from safety and equipment setup to kite flying and body dragging.
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3 days intensive beginner level Kitesurf lessons

Our most popular kite course. 3 days full of kitesurfing, fun and adventure. You don´t need any previous sport experience in. Tarifa´s best wind conditions and huge sandy beaches helps make learning easy. And with our newest kite equipment, you will be safely and fast on the board! Let us make your kitesurf holidays an unforgettable experience!
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7 days intensive beginner level Kitesurf Lessons

From complete beginner to independent kiteboarder. The aim of our 7-day kite course is to equip you with all the skills necessary to confidently get up on the board and ride. Our goal is for you to become a proficient kitesurfer, capable of safely practicing the sport at any spot. Start your kitesurfing journey in Tarifa, meet new friends, enjoy the beach, and have lots of fun!
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Beginner level 1 week Kitesurf Lessons with Accommodation

Master kitesurfing basics in Tarifa for 620€ with our week-long course, including 12 hours of semi-private lessons and 7 nights at Surf House in a double bedroom accommodation. Our expert instructors will transform you into a confident kitesurfer, ready for the waves.
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Intermediate level 1 week Kitesurf Lessons with Accomodation

You know how to kite but need some help? Join our week-long intermediate course in Tarifa for 560€, offering 3 hours of private lessons and a stay in a private room at our Surf House. This program focuses on advanced techniques to prepare you for challenging waves.
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